Most of my projects are proof of concept assignments from
previous courses that I have continued to work on and improve.
'Moji Merge
Final Project Trailer for Game Programming Course - 2D Unity game with one
level, combine emojis to reach the target score. All programming and design done by me, I really like this game even with all of its bugs <3
Final Project for Web Dev. Course - Stock product photos were sourced mostly from
Freepik and modified in
Photoshop to include sample branding and
designs. Product details were randomized and AI generated using Mockaroo and are stored on my web server's database
Calculator Assignment - Features 5 different dice that roll on click. This is not
very complex or impressive as it was one of my first assignments in Web Development, but it's here
because I just really love D&D
API Integration using PokéAPI - Simple guessing game that pulls a
random pokémon sprite and displays it behind a grid which can be clicked to reveal more of the sprite
and the player can enter their guess