Hi, my name is Catelyn. This website is meant to act as a starting point for you to get to know me and see some of my work. I've had a passion for art for as long as I can remember and translating that into an interest in web/software development and game design has been a fun journey so far. Programming is not something I had any experience in prior to my enrollment at Penn College but I have loved every second of my time as a programming student. I take pride in my ability to learn new skills and apply them to projects.
In my personal life, I have a lot of things that bring me joy and fulfillment through my loved ones, pets, and hobbies. Activities I enjoy doing include reading, writing, gaming, and gardening. Within each of those are about 20 sub-categories of interests that I also love and talk about incessantly. Feel free to contact me with any questions, opportunities, or if you just want to say hi :)